Israel Imru
About PageProjects
GridLog →
Full Stack application using: GridDB, Spring Boot, React.js. GridLog polls log files on host machine, takes the raw logs, saves into DB, then takes the raw logs from the DB, parses it, and converts into fieldable logs using regex. Log Viewer allows you to see these logs and to query them with a query builder. Still WIP. Recently added Classical Machine Learning Classification on incoming Logs as an marketing tool.
Udemy Course on IoT Projects →
GridDB course meant to market the database to a new audience, namely an IoT focused audience.
This website →
Portfolio type website. Built with Astro, CMS built with Strapi on Railway, static content hosted on Netlify. Blogs below gathered from using simple node.js script
- Top 5 Sitcoms Ever
- Creating a Kubernetes Application using GridDB and Go
- GridDB Partitioning and Expiry
- Using SQL Batch Inserts with GridDB v5.5, JDBC, and Kafka
- GridDB v5.5 New Features: SQL Batch & More
- Protect your GridDB REST API with JSON Web Tokens Part II
- Protect your GridDB REST API with JSON Web Tokens
- How to Utilize GridDB as the Backend to your No Code Bubble App
- Deploy and Scale your GridDB App on Azure with Kubernetes
- Monitor your GridDB Server with Zabbix
- Creating a Kubernetes Application using GridDB and Go
- Build your own Go Web App with Microservices and GridDB
- Pandas with Python GridDB SQL Queries